05 julho 2023

Shepherds of Humanity

There is nothing new here. 
I was wrong before, and I'm still wrong now.
Nothing I write is unbelievable, considering where we are.
Of all the lower and higher Mysteries, the question Why?, is the most important of all.
When a person tries to explain something, it loses value.
All questions can be asked, but some will never have an answer.
What must be understood is on a personal level.
There are 3 levels of Understanding, each harder to reach than the previous.
When dealing with the Mysteries, keep it to yourself.
The time of birth and death cannot be changed, but you can choose how to live.
When you reach a certain stage in your development, you can never go back.
The feeling of needing to write doesn't happen often enough anymore.
Truth exists, and it's inevitable.

I've read a lot of creation and flood stories from all over the world, and it usually involves sin, incest, animals, serpent/dragon/fish, running to mountain tops, floating on boats/large objects, weeks or months of rain and flood, the death of all people except a select few, the death of almost all animals, because very bad things happened and this place needed to be reset to restart from good, a few people who survive and repopulate, life becoming very hard, teachers of the arts appear and guide humanity, a savior appearing with revelations and telling humanity how to end their suffering, the development of civilizations, and eventually the point in time where we're at now.

These stories have different names and places, but the same patterns, why?
Because they really happened?
Because they were told and written by the same people?
Because it's deep inside us?
Because there's a higher force interested in making it happen?

This is done through religions, and I don't just mean organized religions, governments, societies, corporations, schools, television channels, websites, et cetera, and their popular names, but the smaller ones as well, and then individual ones, since everything a person believes in is their religion, everyone is religious, everything is about religion.
I have the feeling, everything is repeating itself, that this is not the 1st time humanity existed, or life as we know it, even technology and civilizations, since everything that is, is on the mind 1st, and made happen 2nd.

In every source I find there's always the same elements and lack of answers, a diluted and ommited story about the creation, who and what was involved, using who and whatever was available in that region, what happened after, some figure that rises and teaches a civilization arts, sciences, creation knowledge, all the religions which become popular, and how it becomes more modern history than anything of interest, more of the same and worse and more of it until it's our age and it's almost worthless to speak of.

If there were, or are, these savior figures, if people are right, if they know the answers, then why are we still here?
Weren't we supposed to be saved from suffering by now?
Yet people keep being born, and told they have to live, believe, and do, this or that, because previous people did the same?
It goes on, generation after generation, it doesn't end!

I say sex is a 2nd opportunity to fulfill the purpose to which all souls are born in humans bodies, in this place, and have to experience being human, born in ignorance, having to suffer, and all kinds of difficulties, until they achieve the purpose of human life and go to a better place.
I also say sex is the 2nd worst thing there is, because it's a tremendously perverse ritual, and it keeps causing all suffering.
The feeling of needing sex, and to make babies, comes from lack of answers, and control, which leads to wrong doing, evil, fear of death, and severe consequences some of which can be soon felt and observed in many ways, others still mysterious to me.

How do I explain this, everything people believe in was passed on to them by others in many ways, or through the mind, with some very hard to find Truth, there has to be some Truth in it to captivate people at a deep level which they're not aware of, presented with wrong interpretations, wrong translations, and lies, for some reason, but all of these religions are variations of the same story, and none of them reveal what really happened in the beginning, and that's what I want to know, the whole story.
But I'm coming to realize, it cannot be found, not as a book, story, experience, that it's not even possible to know as a human, or ever.

How can you know these texts and books that someone wrote are true, if you weren't there at the beginning to verify it?
I know people answer the question about who wrote these things by saying it came from an entity talking to them, a being, appeared inside their heads, or came from the first humans, but if that's true, then why is everything we get always the words of someone, translated by someone else, and published by another someone? 
These savior figures from religions, and in our time even movies, books, games, politics, governments, wars, et cetera, are all far lesser copies of the original savior, of which I don't know the name of.
I believe these popular names, symbols, rituals, promoted by all kinds of people, and religions, since ancient times are not the real ones, or even important.
There is a pattern here, like in all aspects of humanity, but what's the purpose of it being presented with errors?
You'd think everyone would have access to the same words from these first entities, beings, humans, mental communications, it should be written in indestructible stone, or on the sky for everyone to see, yet no.

There is proof that other civilizations existed before our recorded history, before these last few thousands of years.
Not only all human history but proof of their presence as well were probably destroyed before, and will be destroyed again with cataclysms.
Humanity growing so much and so fast, now it makes more sense to me it happened several times.
I wonder how humanity will be destroyed for the next reset, if this is true, with such capabilities increasing for surviving, it would probably be related to what this place is, and I still don't know the real answer to that, so anything is possible.

The invisible is always in operation, but humans cannot see it, yet it becomes obvious enough that it's there, everywhere, in everything, always.
I'm starting to believe everything is neither billions nor a few thousands of years old, and everything that happened these past few thousands of years, until our time, happened not just once, but that everything except for creation happened several times, in resets, or ages, of humanity, celestial and world events.

How could the first man and woman be cursed with all evils and sufferings upon their families, if they were the only 2 humans who existed?
Who said they were going to have sex and we would be born?
No suffering would fall upon anyone if they didn't have sex.
Obviously we aren't told what really happened in the beginning.
This is not about believing in sides, those are fabricated to divide and control the people.

I know that these famous names are all fabricated teachers of humanity, worshipped, venerated, followed, adored, believed, but these are not what they seem, doesn't matter how many billions of people believe it, these pretender figures are only there from time to time, and place to place, because those behind them and behind religions receive or have access to the Truth somehow, and use these figures to steer humanity into one direction or another, and it's incredibly difficult for me to fully understand and therefore also explain why these hidden ones do what they do in the way they do, because all we get is what they want us to believe.
Instead these pretenders are used, the same story keeps being told in different ways, and these religions are formed.
That means all these things people are told to believe in are lies, with some Truth mixed in there, because Truth is never shared in its original form.
I wonder why.

Over these long years, I've grown so tired of being stuck in life, this house, being alone, and the Mysteries I can't stop thinking about, I only initiated myself into the Mysteries because I started asking myself why did I deserve to suffer so much, and still I don't have the most important answers, all of this has taken a big toll on me as a person, and also on my health.

When does it end?

Watching this video on Youtube helps understand many Mysteries.