31 julho 2017

Behavior is either moral(right), or immoral(wrong)

There's no such thing as different morality for different people and different cases.
Either something is moral, or it is immoral.
If it's MORAL it's RIGHT.
If it's IMMORAL it's WRONG.
Just like programming a computer, and the same way, how humans are programmed.
There is a line on the ground, it's called MORALITY, and if you stray outside that line, you're in IMMORALITY.
Without exception, for everything you think, say, do, has a consequence.
Doesn't even matter in the slightest, if you are aware of how this place works or not.
It's really that simple, and there's no escaping it, and you'll find out what i mean, much, much later.

18 julho 2017

My hate is (wrong but) justifiable!!!!

(I do know hate is self harm, but i'm under too much stress and have nowhere else to go live.)

There is no rest, no peace, no quietness, no morality, no respect, no decency, no thinking, no help, nothing pleasant about "my family", (and not just here but with people in general as well i might add) not 10 years ago, not 5 years ago, not last year, not last month, not last week, not yesterday, not today, and i'm sure without it even happening yet that there won't be any tomorrow, or the day after, or the month, after that, or the year after that, there won't be ANY improvement because like the VAST majority of "humans" "my family" is DEAD as well!!!
But this doesn't come out of nowhere, the THOUSANDS of horrible experiences i've had both with "family" and people in general make me feel nothing but despise and hate for "them".
The things that happen in this house alone are 100 times enough to make anyone hate having a "family", so much that if i'm still alive when they all die, or if the "family" that lives outside my house dies, i will absolutely not feel any kind of even the slightest bit of sadness for any of them, my face will not change!!
Those who talk so highly about family don't know what domestic VIOLENCE is! They were not born with the extreme bad luck that me and other unfortunate individuals were born into.
And yes, i can write all of this and even more if i want to, because the hate i am feeling, it is ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIABLE, and since i have not one person to help me get out of here, i have to isolate myself like i don't even belong in this world, just because the alternative is unbearable.
Family? What family? Humans? Oh, those who live in ignorance like animals? In general, humans are worse than animals because they know the difference between good and evil, yet they choose to live like slaves hurting themselves and others while belonging to this world more and more, engorging themselves with satanism, they live in hell and they adore it, and that's why i say they're dead, because they don't know and don't care. The biggest sin anyone can commit is having a baby!

12 julho 2017


The world has turned to a mad house living in insanity and gone to the pigs to consume, kill, and destroy!
Stupid, stupid, stupid people, i've had to witness such acts of unbelievable idiocracy, suddenly people commit such acts of retarded behaviour that i don't have the patience right now to express how i feel about both it and them!
How can people act like they have shit for brains? How?! It keeps geting worse and worse, so much i can barely be around people for too long anymore.
And the unfairness of what happens to bad people that doesn't happen to moral, right, calm, peaceful, inteligent, sane people, i've watched enough to fill me with stress right up to my hair, it makes my whole body shake with fury!!!
From liars being rewarded, killers walking free, harassment being permited, satanism promoted as right behaviour, psychopaths leading the dead, unspeakable acts, babies being neglected to death, these fake agressive abusers getting treated like they're nice people, violent people hurting innocent individuals to the point of destroying their bodies and even lives, war...
I've had it with these... humans.
I don't care how much these immoral wicked filthy scumbags suffer, every single one of these beasts  in a human body living in this world can go to hell, and stay there! Oh, silly me, that's right, we are already in hell!!!!!!!
If when i die, i can choose, i'm never, ever, coming back to this place. Never again!