27 setembro 2021

Think for Yourself

The further you are from Truth, the more it hurts you.

There are more Pan worshippers today than ever, with this fabricated event called pandemic, people living in panic for no reason, accepting these fake panacea which only hurts them, people's perceptions have never been easier to control with modern technology, fear, violence, and lies. There's no difference between Pan, Baphomet, Satan, Lucifer, et cetera, different names for the same fabricated entity as known to the public. Chaos, homosexuality, obedience, sun worship, human worship, sex, money, government, organized religion, hate, lies, stupidity, satanism, control, everything that is promoted to the people by those who control their perception is to hide Truth and corrupt with lies, it's not by accident, mistake, some random chance, that the world is always in chaos, it is fabricated, all world events are, be them financial crisis, terrorism, scandals, politics, ufos, sports, religious, even weather, these events are fabricated for the people to pay attention to them and make them real, promote them, make them grow, control people's beliefs, manipulate them to fulfill evil plans, keep them from that which is important and they'll never even realize it with all these distractions, none of this could happen without the people who believe and obey, slaves, zombies, dead. How easy it is today to make billions of people worship the gods of the ancient secret societies, which are religions, whose members don't understand the Mysteries even so strongly believing they do, that they do anything and everything to control everyone and everything they can, which is what this is all about, evil wants to control, Good wants to set Free. The billions of lost souls stuck in this place might as well say they're working for, and worshipping, these same kind and equals standing at upper levels in the pyramid of slavery which they call society, because that's exactly what they do and what reality is. These most evil people have the knowledge of how to manipulate the people into doing what they want, more than they have ancient knowledge, which is not about controlling people, but by erasing history, and making people believe what they want, it makes it unbelievably hard for people to know why they are here, and the answers to the other Mysteries. There's absolutely nothing and no person good in this place, and the longer humanity lives, the worse it'll get. Sides are created to divide and use people's feelings to make them join a cause they should never be involved with, and war against each other, until so much blood has been spilled, so many lives have been sacrificed, that people accept whatever solution from the puppets of their masters, these useless idiots, promoters, influencers, celebrities, priests, politicians, billionaires, who reach the people who don't even understand they feed these monsters, and receive their perception through television, websites, apps, newspapers, magazines, schools. Slaves believe and obey, that is the simplest way I can describe slavery. Billions of people alive right now are slaves, to government, banks, sexual feelings, drugs, religious beliefs, the internet, computer games, escapism, self hate, labels, jobs, immoral behavior, you name it. People are born into the system of slavery, they receive a name, a number, blood is removed from them, their fingerprints are taken, they get a birth certificate, a citizen card, vaccines which are harmful and unnecessary, they grow believing what they're told, they are labeled, they joing groups, accept a way of thinking among the many that were fabricated for them, doesn't matter what name you give it, they are not there to help, police will keep people in check and afraid, debt will be created, taxes to the puppets who work for the slave masters must be paid, school lies must be accepted as fact and regurgitated to pass tests and move on, those who think for themselves will be ridiculed and attacked for it, the slave will be told how to be the perfect slave with further education, how slaves must think and feel and act is promoted to them constantly bombarding them with group thinking, laws, what is expected of you, what parents who know nothing want their children to be, all of this and more keeping the system of slavery alive and well, while those who never show their faces manipulate this human farm as they please, through their means of communication which reach billions, and captures their attention. One needs only to be sent to a public school or sit in front of a television to become a zombie. Together with all the aspects of control, people are born, grow up, live normal lives, and die, without ever realizing they were slaves, and then to make things worse they want babies, and the suffering never ends, the war never ends, the hate never ends, the pain never ends, the problems never end, the sacrifice never ends, the slavery never ends. Wherever people are that's the worst place to be. Every day people keep themselves from realizing what is important, what they must do to end all suffering, what Truth is, imitating the previous generation, keeping themselves the same kind and the ones who preceded them and only made life worse. Eating processed and fake foods and drinks which make them sick, violent, and stupid, get addicted to them like they're drugs, without a moral education they do whatever they want and ruin themselves and others with stupid behavior, drugs, sex, belief in lies, hate, joining groups which are against others, hurting others by being offensive, joining wars, campaigns of destruction, believing the religion of the area you were born in, or your family, shaping you into one of them when it's not you, but who others want you to be, it doesn't matter which side you choose, because it's always the wrong side, all sides are fabricated to make people war against each other and control the outcome. One individual cannot go back to being innocent as a child because they lived by doing and accepting that which is immoral, wrong, bad, evil, so generations after generations will not only make the same mistakes but as people increase in number, so will all problems, the hunger, the diseases, the control, the hate, the stupidity, the governments, the organized religions, the slavery which is the human condition, and they only get worse, and the people are the ones to blame, everyone who does anything wrong, the individual, who can always stop what they're doing wrong and correct the situation, their lives, help others, and keep doing what is right, that will always help and improve the situation, the struggle, life, and make it easier for others as well. You don't have to be aware, or understand, or accept something for it to affect you, everyone especially from the most populated countries suffers from what is imposed to them by others every day of their lives, unless they get away from everyone and everything to live the simple life and deal with the Mysteries on their own until their time is over, which is what human life should be like or so I believe, after you die there's nothing you can do to save yourself from another life time of being born, forgetting, and more suffering. I can say that reading ancient books or texts helps, the older the better, but one must first gain a certain level of Understanding and development, to separate that which is right, from that which is wrong. It takes many years and much research to initiate yourself into the Mysteries, and start to realize what this is all about, and this can only be done by you, and for you, or it might never happen during one human life time, and that's where the source of all suffering, sex, has its sinful purpose. The hardest part comes after that invisible barrier, and there's nothing more complicated or unbelievable. If you don't know what you're searching for, you'll only find what you don't need, and believe it to be what it's not. Everyone will be guided to the Inevitable, either the hard way, or the most painful way, not even death will save anyone, and there's no escaping it. Say No to control, say No to obedience, say Yes to Freedom, say Yes to choice, only you can do it, if not then fail and come back for more hell. This is more complicated than it seems. As far as I know there's only one way to end the struggle and escape, the correct way.


04 setembro 2021

Between Body and Mind


This time I write it. 

While I was trying to sleep, something came to my head while in bed at night, in the dark, with my eyes closed, I wasn't sleeping, the darkness opened in the middle and I could see close, there was a flat surface, maybe a table, I was mostly above it, 2 or 3 stacks of papers with maybe a few words and long kind of simple drawings, these papers then started being removed from the top of each stack at a crazy speed, maybe some rectangular papers moved sideways, and I was looking at them while they were being removed, so close I could see few words and mostly simple long shapes or lines on those papers but not read them, I don't know what was drawn either, or why I saw them through that tunnel of darkness, which soon after closed and I was still in the same position, in the dark, but this has happened recently. Was I seeing something between being awake and asleep somehow?

On other occasions it was something else I saw, but these experiences go away quick. When I close my eyes and try to imagine something in great detail, it vanishes after a while. Other experiences were forgotten because I didn't feel the need to write them.

Imagination I don't believe this is, but something else, imagination never has the detail and closeness of this experience that I don't know exactly what name to give it, what felt like a connection to it, not by my choice.

The gif image above the text, is similar to the tunnel that opened inside my head when this experience happened, but the real one felt a bit wider and there were no lines.

Makes me wonder how much of a connection is possible to establish with the mind, what it really is, and how can I connect to it, while I believe there's the possibility of connecting to the mind in an almost unbelievable way, to see and discover beyond that which the common daily human sensorial experiences limit me to, I don't know how. This really isn't something coherent enough to properly write about. 

I only wrote this experience because of the feeling it gave me, it came to me!