01 outubro 2014

I like cooking for myself

(these images are not mine, because i don't have a camera or smartphone anymore)

It's quite nice, actually, cooking, a much needed practice, a very important habit.

To begin, i'd like to state the fact that almost all food contains water, and that is the first ingredient.

I must say this too, i do not use ingredients created in laboratory, processed food, flavor intensifiers, artificial aromas, colorants, or whatever else not natural, i don't drink coffee or alcohol, i don't smoke anything or consume any drug, i don't take any sleeping pills or anti-depressants or any of the sort. So, now that that it's out of the way, all ingredients i use are as simple and natural as i can get them.

Pure, new born, untouched water.

Add water to a pot, put the pot on the stove, turn on the gas, start a fire and let's begin!

Don't go anywhere for too long when you're cooking.

No one taught me how to cook, most help i ever got was a few tips, or mostly watching others cooking in television shows, being Masterchef Australia Season 2 my favorite.
I eventually tried to cook something simple, like chocolate pudding, years ago, and it slowly developed from there.
My first attempt took twice as long, twice as many kitchen utensils, and was thrice as messy to prepare, as it would normally require! Yeah...

Like this, but messier!

From there i went to eggs, on a small square pan.

Needs to be anti adherent, or some food will stick to it.

With olive oil and salt, sunny side up first, 3 at a time. Then to cook them better, i started flipping the eggs whole, or i would cut them into equal parts before flipping, resulting in over medium, 4 at a time.

Overcooked below, undercooked above? No thanks.
Thicker, more consistent, tastier.

I don't cook eggs every day, but if i did it would be fine, i don't burn them or waste them.

Eating hard boiled eggs is rare for me.
I cook great, fluffy, tasty, scrambled eggs with cream.

Around this time, i tasted Soy sauce for the first time, and later, English sauce, which looks the same, but tastes better. The ones i use are cheap anyway, so i'm just saying.

Tastes nice.
Tastes nicer.

It goes nice with chicken breast, turkey breast, hamburgers, et cetera, so i cooked them too, always with olive oil and salt, either eating them like that, with bread, or with other foods i cooked right after.

I'm not crazy about red meat, and i avoid it for many reasons, but i can eat it.

In fact, hamburgers are the only red meat i ever cooked, now that i think about it.

I prefer white meat, to cook and eat, it's simply a better choice, of meat.

But of course, killing animals is still killing animals, something i have barely ever done, and strongly detest. If no more animals were killed to become food for humans, i'd be fine with that, even if i had to starve more.

I add Olive oil to almost all of the foods i cook.
Vinegar goes better with raw ingredients, i suppose.

Olive oil is the only fat i cook with, i don't eat fried foods unless i fry them, otherwise it is very rare that i eat anything fried, and i always remove fat from it with kitchen paper.

But there is a dish i prepare that doesn't need any cooking, and is served cold. It started when i added peas, corn, tomato, onion, tuna, olive oil, and vinegar, in layers, on a plate. I sometimes use other ingredients that go well together too.

I stack my ingredients, not like this, and eat them together, but without mixing them on the plate.

If i feel like it, i will wash, peel, slice, and fry sweet potatoes, with olive oil and salt.

I can cook them on the oven, but it takes an hour, so it's best to put something else on the oven with them.

A dish i cook a lot, easy to prepare, and to eat, is mixtures of vegetables and such foods, or me doing my own, and adding something else on top, or at the end.

It may be too simple as a main dish, so, add something else.

Sometimes i experiment with ingredients cooked together, but somehow i don't go through the cooking process for each ingredient properly.

I'm all in for new tastes, but sometimes they're a chore to eat.

I think that among everything i cook, rice is probably the one i get wrong the most, but i still eat it all. The food i cook is 99% edible, and rarely are bits and pieces left on the plate.

I am yet to understand how can i cook the perfect Rice.

So, when i cook, i don't use a clock, no measures, i do everything by feeling, i look at it, do it by hand, when it feels right, i move on to the next step or the process, so my food doesn't always come out in the correct order, or that tasty. But hey, no one taught me how to cook, and i do what i can in the conditions i am in.

Spaghetti is easy, even i never ruin it.

I wash my own kitchen utensils, with which only i cook, and no one else touches them. I never touch the property of other people, unless i really have to. I don't touch other people's food either, and i've been eating alone for 16 years or more, which is quite something.

I use a non-stick modern style wok mostly now, it can cook almost anything very nicely with it.

When it comes to bread, the darker the better, but i'm not talking about fake bread that turns brown because it has sugar and the sugar browns, no, i'm talking about natural and healthy bread, not white bread. Healthy bread!

Not everyone can eat bread, or healthy bread, but do your best. This Bread is nice, but there are betters.

About sauces, i don't really know much about how the process goes, or how to successfully create sauces, if it should be used with food, on the side, mixed with everything, so to me it depends on what i'm using and cooking. I try to keep it simple.

Hopefully no need for sugar.
Just plain tomato, you know.

Why bother trying to cook fancy food, when simple recipes will fill my stomach for the whole day!

I cook plenty food to last for 24 hours, quite often.

It's not like i never wasted food, in fact, i have overcooked a few dishes, that i later had to throw away half of it, because i couldn't force myself to eat anymore. It was very rare though.

Do i add the meat with the pasta, or cook it separately? It depends? Help!

When i first started handling the ingredients, i would feel awkward, and even peeling onions would make me cry! Now it doesn't happen anymore because i'm faster at cutting it. Handling a knife, and cutting something like a tomato in my hand, never got me cut, because i'm not in a hurry, and i know the cutting motions. Since i don't deal with skin and bones and animal parts difficult to handle, cooking is not a chore for me.

Stay away from my eyes, Onion!
Does anyone measure Salt?

I watch a lot of japanese and korean television, and i would often see people cooking fish, and from there came my desire to cook white fillets of fish with tomato and pasta, and a little of spicy red pepper. It's one of my favorite dishes, and i enjoy eating it during the day, while watching asian television shows, it's a habit now.

Tomato always tastes good!

I avoid going for ingredients that produce waste, like animals, which as far as i know, were not created to be served as food for humans. Still, if i'm going to eat animals, fish is the best choice.

Oh, the tastiness of boneless, well cooked fish!

I don't need to be from this or that country to appreciate typical flavors from different places around the world.
So many pleasing combinations of ingredients out there, i don't even know!

There's hardly any type of food better than fruit, natural, fresh, juicy, healthy, whole, raw. Like most things worth doing, it may take a while to wash and peel a lot of fruit, but in the end it's worth it!

Fruit salad, with whatever fruits you have available. Always nice to eat!

Some day i was looking at a lemon, i had honey there too, so i decided to create a drink for me to drink hot, that was as simple and easy to prepare, as it was delicious.

My favorite fruit, the Lemon. 
Sometimes i make a small cut in a lemon with a fingernail, just to smell it, because i like it so much.

A wonder of nature, Honey.

Bees do a great work, they deserve a raise!

Lemon+Honey+Water=My favorite hot drink!

It's almost over, now go get a ripe yellow lemon, cut it in half, put it inside a glass jar you can drink from, or use a straw, heat it up, use a spoon to extract all the interior of the lemon into the jar, don't add the white interior of the lemon because it's bitter, remove the seeds, add honey to your taste, add plenty of water, heat up the jar without letting the liquid boil, grab a spoon and mix the ingredients, and it's ready to drink.

And this is how it ends, with a most gorgeous fragrance among foods, and taste among drinks. Enjoy!

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